Elias Eskelinen / Services

Need a website?

Nettisivut hakusessa? – Suomeksi
A single page

A Landing Page

  • static
  • a page or two


free hosting
Multiple pages

A Static Site

  • static
  • plenty of pages


free hosting
Multiple pages with dynamic content

A Dynamic Site

  • dynamic
  • unlimited pages


free hosting for static content

"Extra Toppings" :

A Domain name

The domain name is the "name" of the site, for example example.com.

Domains are rented from third parties and their price depends on the length and suffix of the address.

.fi addresses are usually available for ~ 9 € / year. I can either rent the web address for you or you can rent it yourself.

Carbon neutral servers A leaf

Alternatively, the website may be hosted on carbon-neutral servers provided by google.

Hosting costs similarily to hosting a dynamic site, depending on the size of the project and the server location chosen, even if the site is static because of the need for separate servers.

= at least around 10€ per month.

More information and a list of available server locations.


Actual pricing varies on time needed for the project. These are estimates, my current rate is about 15€ / h. Updates to the site after the purchase will be billed hourly as well.

static = set in stone, content doesn't change without updates to the site. Cheaper to host.

dynamic = content is dynamic and can be changed easily. Costs more to host, as the content may change at any time.

hosting = the act of keeping the site online, as it is a program that has to be run in order for the site to exist. Usually costs atleast a couple euros a month.

But why buy one from me?

Why not service …?

Wordpress, Wix, etc. are often "free". It's easy to get started, but getting a proper site up and running takes time and possibly an indefinite amount of money. The service provider has to make money with their service.

In addition, "codeless" services hide from the user an awful lot of technical complexity to make sure they work for everyone. This is great in its own way, but the functionality, accessibility and efficiency (very important for search engines) of the sites created suffers.

I know how to build your website so that you get value for money and the end result is not a mess. With functionality, accessibility, user-friendliness, and legality in mind.


Hit me up on websites@eliaseskelinen.fi if you are interested or have any questions. Alternatively you can text me on 040 2175401.